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Prostate Problems (Enlarged Prostate, Prostatitis, & Prostate Cancer) Self-management Program
Sources:    Research References/Bibliography
Knowledge to Help Yourself Knowledge gives a person many options for managing prostate problems and they can then personally take charge of the effect this disease is having on their life.
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Product Suggestion

B Vitamins
Necessary for all cellular functions. Anti-stress vitamins.
Vitamin B6
Has anticancer properties.
Vitamin A
Potent antioxidant and immune system enhancer.
Vitamin E
Potent antioxidant and immune system enhancer.
Vitamin C
Promotes immune function and aids healing.

—$10 Savings—
(complete nutritional coverage of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. related to an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer)

Deficiency has been linked to BPH, prostatitis, and even prostate cancer. Studies with zinc and men with enlarged prostates showed a reduction in the size of the prostate and a decrease in symptoms when men where given zinc. Zinc may help inhibit the activity of 5-alpha-reductase. Note: Don't take more than 15 milligrams of zinc daily without medical supervision as too much zinc can be toxic.
Works with magnesium. Necessary for improved prostate function.
Works with calcium. Necessary for improved prostate function.

Amino Acids:
Amino acid needed for maintaining normal prostate function. Studies of L-glycine, L-alanine, and L-glutamic acid showed that these three amino acids relieved many of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. For example patients taking these aminos experienced reduced nighttime urination, reduced urgency, reduced frequency, and alleviation of delayed urination.
Amino acid needed for maintaining normal prostate function.
L-Glutamic acid
Amino acid needed for maintaining normal prostate function.

Nutrient Cofactors:
Acts as a natural antibiotic.
Essential Fatty Acids
Important in prostate function.
Saw Palmetto
Significantly diminishes all signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Studies have shown that 90% of men with mild to moderate BHP experienced some improvement in symptoms during the first four to six weeks of therapy while saw palmetto provided relief from all of the major symptoms of BPH, especially from nocturia.

  • Aim for a diet that is low in carbohydrates and in animal fats but is high in essential fatty acids.  Look for whole, unprocessed foods and eat plenty of sunflower or pumpking seeds each day.LOW FAT/HIGH PROTEIN DIET: A healthy diet plays an important role in prostate health. Aim for a diet that is high in proteins (44% of your calories should be protein) since a high protein diet may inhibit the production of 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. Also look for a diet that is low in carbohydrates, low in animal fats, and high in essential fatty acids. Look for whole, unprocessed foods and eat plenty of sunflower or pumpkin seeds each day.

  • PUSH THE FLUIDS: Drink plenty of fluids. Adequate fluid intake can help prevent bladder infections, cystitis, and kidney problems that are often associated with an enlarged prostate.

  • INCREASE YOUR FIBER: More fiber in the diet may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by lowering the levels of reproductive hormones in the body.

  • INCLUDE SOY IN YOUR DIET: Soy may decrease the chance of getting prostate cancer by reduce troublesome cholesterol levels.

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Lifestyle Changes

  • SCHEDULE AN ANNUAL PROSTATE EXAM: Annual prostate exams can help catch problems early and can diagnosis and treat preexisting problems such as an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer.

  • Schedule an annual prostate exam to catch problems early.MAINTAIN YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT: If you need to lose weight do it. Studies showed that men with 43 inch waists or greater were 50% more likely than normal weight men to suffer from prostate enlargement.

  • ABSTAIN FROM ALCOHOL: Studies have shown that beer raises the body's prolactin levels (prolactin increases the uptake of testosterone into the prostate and this increased testosterone converts into increased levels of DHT), and that the higher the alcohol intake the more likely a man was to suffer from prostate enlargement. Caffeine and sugar should also be avoided or moderated.

  • AVOID DRUG AND PESTICIDE EXPOSURE: Drugs and pesticides may increase the 5-alpha-reduction of steroids and may put you at a higher risk for cancer.

  • KEEP THAT CHOLESTEROL DOWN: Free radical damaged cholesterol may play a role in stimulating the prostate cell formation that may cause an enlarged prostate so it is important to keep your cholesterol level within a healthy range.

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Medical Options and Precautions


  • PROSTATECTOMY AND TURP: In more severe cases surgery is required. In this surgical procedure the prostate is removed and a catheter is inserted to drain urine, blood, and tissue out of the bladder. If a patient is too old or too ill to undergo this surgery a catheter will be inserted on a permanent basis. In the surgical procedure TURP (Trans-urethral resection of the prostate) the doctor removes a part of the prostate. This procedure often makes the problem worse and has a high death rate. TURP may also cause sterility, impotence, and incontinence.

  • Common drugs for the treatment of prostate problems include alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase inhibitors.DRUGS: Common drugs for the treatment of prostate problems include alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase inhibitors. Alpha-blockers are used to relax the muscles in and around the prostate and to increase urinary flow. These drugs are short-acting and symptoms quickly reoccur when treatment is stopped. These drugs may cause sudden lowering of blood pressure especially when standing up suddenly. Alpha-blockers include Terazosin, Doxazosin, Praozosin, and Tamsulosin. Alpha-reductase inhibitors (finasteride) are used to reduce prostate size. These drugs are not very useful in most men (only six in a hundred men benefit from them) and they may take up to 6 months to provide any relief from symptoms. Finasteride is expensive and has caused impotence in 5% of men who used it. Finasteride may also take up to a year to affect the symptoms of the enlarged prostate. For more information on these drugs click here.

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