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(Nutrient and Health/Disease Associations)

Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Deficiency Signs:    dry mucous membranes, skin, hair, nails, tear ducts, mouth, vagina; aching joints and arthritis; lack of energy, motivation, and/or endurance; weak immune system; memory loss and forgetfulness (uh oh!!); cardiovascular disease.

In this day of fat phobia and the constant promotion of lowfat and nonfat food, intentionally supplementing with essential fatty acids (a fat) might be confusing. The thing you must understand is that EFAs are specifically identified as two oils Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and Omega-6 (linoleic acid). These EFAs are NOT contained in liquid vegetable oils you find on grocery store shelves or the oils used in restaurants and food processing.

Unless you consume high oil content fish like salmon, sardines, or mackerel a couple times a week (high in EPA and DHA Omega-3 EFAs), you should supplement each day with EFAs. Another food source besides fish, is flaxseed oil that has been processed at temperatures under 104 degrees. Be aware that sly marketing techniques of oil manufacturers and lax terminology laws make it so you have to play Sherlock Holmes to find a truly low-heat processed oil. Does the heat in processing make a difference?

YES! Heat, hydrogenation, bleaching, and deodorizing destroys a natural healthy long chain cis configuration by altering it into an unhealthy trans configuration that is implicated in both cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

Essential Fatty Acids for A Healthy BodyAll cells in the human body are surrounded by a membrane composed of phospholipids made chiefly from EFAs. This membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell. Alterations in cell membrane is the central factor of cell injury, mutation (which can result in cancer), and death.

EFAs are also a critical component of your brain, inner ear, eyes, adrenal glands, and sex organs. One analogy is to think of them as the oil that lubricates and provides flexibility, then apply that functionality to what needs to happen in muscles, joints, blood vessels, lungs, hormones, reproductive functions, digestive system, etc. Now you probably get the picture as to why adequate EFAs are so important!

Most orthodox health-care practitioners may never make the association between a health symptom and essential fatty acid deficiency. Since surveys suggest that Americans may be as much as 90 percent deficient in EFAs, not considering EFA associated health symptoms and the simplicity of supplementing with EFAs is a tragic waste.

(click here) for more about the disease producing effects of trans fats.
(click here) to see details on our Multi-EFA product.

Omega-3 Oils (alpha-linolenic acid)

Alzheimer's and Memory -- Omega-3 fats are converted by the body into EPA and then DHA. Those concerned with memory loss and/or Alzheimer's Disease should take note of this EFA function since most of the brain is made of DHA. In fact a shortage of DHA has been proven to cause inevitable brain degeneration, and it is thought by researchers to be a major factor in the Alzheimer's epidemic. [Simopoulos, et al. Nutrition Today March/April 1988 Pgs. 12-19.]

Diabetes -- The dietary fat profile linked to type II diabetes is an abundance of saturated fat and an insufficiency of EFAs. Research shows that this profile leads to reduced membrane fluidity, which causes reduced insulin binding to receptors on cellular membranes and reduced insulin action. [Pelikanova, et al. "Insulin secretion and insulin action are related to the serum phospholipid fatty acid pattern in healthy men." Metabolic Clinical Exp Vol.38 (1989) Pgs 188-192]

Cancer -- Animal studies document the value of flaxseed oil because of it's abundant content of lignans. One study shows that flaxseed contains over 100 times the level of lignan compared to other plant foods. In animal experiments, animals fed flaxseed and flaxseed oil obtained positive results with mammary cancer, colon cancer and other general tumors. These animals demonstrated a greater-than-50-percent reduction in tumor numbers and size after a one to two month treatment program. [Serraino et al. "Flaxseed supplementation and early markers of colon carcinogenesis." Cancer Letters Vol.63 (1992) Pgs 159-165] also other published studies by same author in 1991 and 1992]

Cancer -- Omega-3 fatty acids also produce vital chemical messengers called prostaglandins. Studies show that these prostaglandins can kill breast, lung and prostate cancer cells stone dead. From this evidence, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute declared that omega-3 fats have "potential clinical usefulness" in cancer treatment [Begin et al. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol.77 (1983) Pg 601]

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Omega-6 (linolenic acid)

Although omega-6 fatty acids are essential for several body functions, they also produce inflammatory prostaglandins that promote cancer growth. It is the omega-3 fats that keep the cancer effect of omega-6 fats in control. So it is vitally important to keep omega-3 fats dominant over omega-6. Not surprising is the fact that the typical unhealthy American diet is low in omega-3 but high in omega-6 fatty acids because typical vegetable oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids. So for good health with EFA coverage either eat fish or supplement with flax seed oil.

(click here) to see details on our Multi-EFA product.
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