Sources:    Research References/Bibliography
Knowledge gives a person many options for managing aging and
they can then personally take charge of the effect this problem is having on their life.
Nutrient Associations |
Product Suggestion
Vitamin A Important antioxidant. Protects the lungs, needed for growth and repair of body tissues and smooth skin.
Vitamin B3 The B vitamins fight depression; aid in transforming proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy; are necessary for the formation of certain proteins and for the functioning of the nervous system; and are essential for healthy red blood cells and the absorption of nutrients, including iron.
Vitamin B5 Produces neurotransmitters.
Vitamin B6 Produces neurotransmitters.
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies among the elderly. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes motor skill disturbances, confusion, delusion, fatigue, memory loss, numbness, and ringing in the ears.
Vitamin C Powerful antioxidant and immune system enhancer that reduces allergies, protects the brain and spinal cord, keeps white blood cells healthy, fights fatigue, and increases energy.
Vitamin E A potent antioxidant that fights cellular aging by protecting cell membranes. Also improves circulation and prolongs the life of red blood cells.
Vitamin D Enhances calcium absorption.
Choline Maintains brain function and memory.
Inositol Has a calming effect on the brain.
Bioflavonoids Works in conjunction with vitamin C.
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Boron Aids calcium absorption and brain function.
Calcium Necessary to prevent bone loss and for normal heart function.
Magnesium Needed to balance with calcium.
Selenium Prevents premature aging, boosts immunity, protects against cancer.
Zinc Needed for wound healing and healthy skin; enhances immune function. Increases antibodies and protects the eyes against macular degeneration and vision loss. Very important for the prostate.
Amino Acids:
Dimethylglycine Improves cellular oxygenation.
Cysteine Detoxifies and protects the body from radiation damage. Cysteine is a powerful free radical destroyer and can even reduce the accumulation of age spots in conjunction with glutathione.
N-acetylcysteine Used by the body to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier.
Glutathione A potent free radical scavenger and mental booster that acts as a mood elevator. Also destroys ammonia, which interferes with brain function.
Phenylalanine An essential neurotransmitter that promotes vitality and alertness. Use Caution if you are pregnant or nursing.
Arginine An essential amino acid.
Nutrient Cofactors:
Coenzyme Q10 Aids circulation, improves cellular oxygenation, and protects the heart.
Grape Seed Extract Possibly the most powerful free radical scavengers. They can pass the blood-brain barrier to protect brain cells.
Milk Thistle Seed Promotes good liver function.
INCREASE YOUR INTAKE OF RAW FOODS: Nuts, fruits, and vegetables are particularly important.
GET PLENTY OF QUALITY PROTEIN AND STICK TO A LOW-FAT DIET: Fat creates harmful free radicals and needs to be moderated. Eat only when you need to and watch those calories. Chicken and fish are two excellent sources of protein.
EAT FOODS THAT PROVIDE GERMANIUM: Eat garlic, onions, shiitake mushrooms, and pearl barley. These foods provide germanium which combats free radical damage and helps provide oxygen to tissues.
AVOID CERTAIN FOODS: Avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, salt, red meats, white flour and white sugar, chemical food additives, processed lunchmeats and hot dogs (are high in nitrates that cause free radicals).
DO REGULAR COLON CLEANSES: Every 6 months to a year you should conduct a colon cleanse to assure that the walls of the colon are free from debris and to maximize nutrient absorption.
CONSIDER ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTATION IF TAKING DRUGS: Individuals taking drugs may need additional supplementation. Studies show that drugs cause depletion of body stores of nutrients.
Lifestyle Changes
GET REGULAR EXERCISE: Exercise regularly to increase the amount of oxygen available to the tissues. Swimming and brisk walking are especially good low-impact exercises.
The Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health found that "regular physical activity is necessary for maintaining normal muscle strength, joint structure, and joint function...and was not associated with joint damage or development of osteoarthritis and may be beneficial for many people with arthritis." Other studies have found that persons with arthritis have experienced improvement in muscle function and other important health benefits from exercise training. This was true even for older adults with or without arthritis.
When astronauts go into space one of the major concerns is muscle atrophywhere muscle strength declines and muscle mass is lostbecause they do not have the consistent resistant pull of gravity that causes their body to maintain structural strength. Lack of mobility and muscle atrophy is not a natural part of aging, it is the result of inactivity. The old adage "Move it or lose it" has a lot of truth to it.
RELAX: Learn to relax, but keep active in hobbies and enjoyable experiences. Make each day an event to live for.
DO DEEP BREATHING: Do deep breathing exercises to increase the blood's oxygenation and circulation.
BE WELL RESTED: Get plenty of sleep.
PROTECT YOUR SKIN: To protect your skin from wrinkles and damage avoid too much exposure to the sun and avoid using harsh soaps.
LOSE THOSE EXCESS POUNDS: If you are overweight, lose the excess pounds. Being overweight can cause excess free radical damage and aging.