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Suggested Dosages for the MS-Kits (Nutritional Support for Multiple Sclerosis)

When starting this supplement program it is best to take 1/2 the dosage (Startup Dose) for at least a week, with the dosage being split into two dosages; half at breakfast and half at dinner. Then slowly start increasing to the full recommended amount (Maintenance Dose). If you are using the product to target a specific disease or to combat an impaired immune system switch to the Therapeutic Dose. Please note that the Therapeutic Dose should only be taken on a temporary basis (no longer than 6-8 weeks) before returning to the Maintenance Dose.

If at any time you experience headaches, body aches, diarrhea, or upset stomach; cut your dosage in half and slowly build back up. If you're experiencing any of these problems, it's because your body is cleansing and throwing off toxins too rapidly, that's why it's important to cut back on the dosage.

Suggested Dosage Information for the Basic MS-Kit:

  • Startup Dose: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus. For our suggestions on when and how to take each product please see the following.

    With Morning Meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus.

  • Maintenance Dose: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 or more capsules of Multi-EFA, and 3 or more capsules Enzyme Plus. For our suggestions on when and how to take each product please see the following.

    With Morning Food: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus.

    With Afternoon Meal: 1 capsule Enzyme Plus.

    With Evening Meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus.

  • Therapeutic Dose: 2 Tbsp. Ultra, 4 or more capsules of Multi-EFA, and 6 or more capsules Enzyme Plus. Please note that this dose should not be maintained for more than 6-8 weeks. For our suggestions on when and how to taken each product please see the following.

    With Morning Food: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 capsules Multi-EFA, 3 capsules Enzyme Plus.

    With Evening Food: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 capsules Multi-EFA, 3 capsules Enzyme Plus.

Suggested Dosage Information for the Advanced MS-Kit:

  • Startup Dose: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus, 1/2 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy (*take Oxy at least an hour before eating), 1-2 tablets of Ginkgold (*take 2 tablets for normal use and 4 tablets for intensive use), and 1 capsule Cell Shield. For our suggestions on when and how to take each product please see the following:

    One hour before eating morning meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy.

    With Morning Food: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus, 1-2 tablets of Ginkgold (see note above), and 1 capsule Cell Shield.

  • Maintenance Dose: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 or more capsules of Multi-EFA, 3 or more capsules Enzmye Plus, 1 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy (*take Oxy at least an hour before eating), 2 to 4 tablets of Ginkgold (*take 2 tablets for normal use and 4 tablets for intensive use), and 2 capsules Cell Shield. For our suggestions on when and how to take each product please see the following.

    One hour before eating morning meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy.

    With Morning Food: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus, 1 to 2 tablets of Ginkgold (*take 2 tablets for normal use and 4 tablets for intensive use), 1 capsule Cell Shield.

    With Afternoon Meal: 1 capsule Enzyme Plus.

    One hour before eating evening meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy.

    With Evening Meal: 1/2 Tbsp. Ultra, 1 capsule Multi-EFA, 1 capsule Enzyme Plus, 1 to 2 capsules of Ginkgold (*take 2 tablets for normal use and 4 tablets for intensive use), 1 capsule Cell Shield.

  • Therapeutic Dose: 2 Tbsp. Ultra, 4 or more capsules of Multi-EFA, 6 or more capsules of Enzyme Plus, 2 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy (*take at least one hour before eating), 4 tablets Ginkgold, and 4 capsules Cell Shield. Please note that this dose should not be maintained for more then 6-8 weeks. For our suggestions on when and how to take each product please see the following.

    One hour before morning meal: 1 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy.

    With Morning Meal: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 capsules Multi-EFA, 3 capsules Enzyme Plus, 2 tablets Ginkgold, and 2 capsules Cell Shield.

    One hour before evening meal: 1 Tbsp. Oxy Toddy.

    With Evening Food: 1 Tbsp. Ultra, 2 capsules Multi-EFA, 3 capsules Enzyme Plus, 2 tablets Ginkgold, and 2 capsules Cell Shield.

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