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Notes Regarding Products in Comparison Study

The following special notes delineate which of the company's products were included in the comparison. Cost was derived by breaking down the recommended monthly dosage (sometimes a bottle of tablets will last 45 or 60 days) then adjustments were made to get the comparable 30-day cost). Also noted are additional nutrients the products contained on an individual basis.

Ultra Toddy -- 1 ounce maintenance dosage per day, 32 ounce bottle.
New Vision -- Includes 1 ounce Essential Minerals, 1 OPC Grape Seed Extract Cap, 2 JuicePower Fruit JuiceCaps, 2 JuicePower Vegetable Juice Caps, and 1 Neutral C+ Coenzyme Q10 Cap.
Virgin Earth Ultimate -- 1 ounce maintenance dosage per day, 32 ounce bottle.
Liquid Life/Body Booster -- Monthly Comparison includes 1 ounce of Liquid Life per day. Mainly available through stores but have a wholesale buyer program. Conversion of fat soluble vitamins from mg notation to IU notation was required. LiquidLife/Body Booster labeling is generalized such that the source of minerals is unclear.
Super Blue Green Alge -- Includes 3 tablets Alpha Sun + 3 tablets Omega Sun recommended on a daily basis with 240 tablet bottles purchased. Actual Amino Acid amounts available on request.
Usana -- Includes their recommended daily dosage of 1 Megavitamin Tablet + 3 Chelated Mineral Tablets + 2 Antioxidant Tablets + 3 Cal Mag Plus Tablets. Additional nutrients: Quercitin, Bromelin, Rutin.
Centrum Silver-- Includes their recommended daily dosage of 1 Tablet per day.

WARNING: Even extremely concentrated and high doses of colloidal minerals will not provide adequate amounts of many important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, chromium, copper, boron, iron, etc. We've found minerals, vitamins, and/or amino acids missing from the product offerings of every single company we've analyzed (see Shoppers Cost and Nutrient Comparison) Companies that promote their product using the Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape and then sell customers a product that provides inadequate nutritional support are essentially cheating their customers. Why? They are providing a generally unknowledgable customer with a nutritional supplement that doesn't provide the comprehensive level of nutrition coverage being discussed in the Dead Doctors Don't Lie lecture.

...high doses of colloidal minerals will not provide adequate amounts of many important minerals

How do Mineral Toddy colloidal minerals compare with other colloidal minerals?
An accurate comparison would require a high-cost (approx $4,000 per study) spectrographic Certificate of Analysis by an independent professional laboratory. Often a colloidal mineral company will supply this analysis upon request. This certificate identifies the presence of a mineral but not whether it is organic or metallic.
...many colloidal minerals being marketed do contain metallic minerals. This is dangerous if the metallic form of arsenic, lead, or aluminum are present.

We are aware that many colloidal minerals being marketed do contain metallic minerals. This is dangerous if the metallic form of arsenic, lead, or aluminum are present. On the other hand, more organic arsenic is found in a banana than in Mineral Toddy. We are also aware of colloidal minerals that claim to have 78 or 92 elements when only 8 or 24 were actually identified on their Certificate of Analysis. All consumers need to carefully review the product integrity and history of the company they buy colloidal minerals from because all colloidal minerals are not equal.

The Original Clark Formula in Mineral Toddy has been used successfully by thousands of people since 1926 and has passed the test of time. Mineral Toddy (SupraLife) has the Clark Certificate to validate this colloidal mineral source. SupraLife has exclusive rights to the Clark Original Formula, so in reality only the Clark Original Formula and Mineral Toddy are exactly alike. This formula is naturally produced and has nothing added nor taken away (water or otherwise).

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