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A diagnosis of shingles is not something to take lightly. Your doctor will tell you that this stubborn virus can cause illness for several weeks to months and can cause blindness, if it affects the eyes. Shingles are caused by the herpes varicella Zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. When we get chickenpox as a child all of the virus may not be destroyed by our immune system and it may lie dormant in the nerves of the skin for decades, only to emerge as shingles when we get older. It is generally seen in people who are immune compromised, under too much stress or those who have been exposed to the chickenpox virus again. This infection of the central nervous system begins with fatigue, fever and the affected skin may be very sensitive to touch. Blisters on the skin begin to form around the fourth or fifth day of infection and run along a nerve path generally in patches that look like a branch of a tree. It most often occurs on the trunk area and chest but can also be found on the face. It is an extremely painful condition. Often the elderly will experience chronic pain for months to years. Patients diagnosed with shingles are prescribed a narcotic for pain relief and the antiviral drug aclovir and sent home to endure the virus for six weeks. Good solid research into alternative treatments for shingles shows that complete recovery in less than one week can be obtained with the blisters and pain disappearing in three days. Remember that shingles is a serious illness and requires a physician's care along with the following recommendations. If the eyes are involved, this is an emergency situation and an ophthalmologist should be consulted immediately. It is shameful that people have to suffer needlessly because they do not have access to come of the important research in alternative treatments. Any treatment regimen for shingles or other herpes viruses should include and excellent diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and homemade soup. No sugar should be consumed because it stops one's natural killer cells from fighting the virus. Four nutrients from the following recommendations are key to fighting the herpes virus. Plenty of solid research has evaluated their effectiveness at fighting shingles; they include vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin C and plant sterols and sterolins. Vitamin B12
Vitamin E
Vitamin C The Immune Arsenal Should Destroy Herpes Sterols and sterolins are the missing key. Research performed over the last several decades has found that sterols and sterolins increase natural killer cells, the first warriors to attack herpes. As well, sterols and sterolins increase cattish T cell activity, gamma interferon and interleukin-2, important for destroying the virus if it manages to get inside our cells. Cattish T cell enhancement is especially important when fighting herpes because we want these cells to seek out and destroy the cells that contain herpes so we are no longer affected by this annoying virus. Sterols and sterolins are able to improve immune function and kill the virus. It only takes sterols and sterolins a matter of a few weeks to several months to totally destroy the virus and normalize immune function. [by: Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Total Health for Longevity, Vol. 22, Number 3] |
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Product Kit Highlight: A to Z Kit ($94.20), 30-60 day supply. Provides 100+ nutrients to assure the presence of all raw materials needed for the body to heal. |
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