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Lupus Facts and Statistics

Lupus erythematosus affects nine times as many women as men, usually those in childbearing age. It occurs worldwide, although its incidence is higher in certain ethnic groups, such as blacks in the US, West Indians, and Chinese in the Far East. In high-risk groups the incidence may be as high as one in 250 women. It usually develops between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five, although it may occur at any age.

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Lupus Assoicated Problems

Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks the connective tissue as though it were foreign, causing inflammation. It is probable that the disease can be inherited and that hormonal factors play a part. Sometimes the agent that triggers the immune response (e.g., a viral infection) can be inferred. Certain drugs can induce some of the symptoms of SLE, particularly in elderly people; drugs most frequently responsible are hydralazine, procainamide, and isoniazid.

The first symptoms of many cases of SLE mirror those of arthritis, with swelling and pain in the fingers and joints.There are two types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). As the name implies, SLE is a systemic disease that affects many different parts of the body. The severity can range from mild to life threatening. The first symptoms of many cases of SLE mirror those of arthritis, with swelling and pain in the fingers and joints. The disease may suddenly appear with an acute fever. The characteristic red rash may appear across the cheeks; there may also be red scaling lesions elsewhere on the body. Sores may form in the mouth. The lungs and kidneys are often involved. SLE can cause anemia and inflammation of the surface membranes of the heart and lungs. It can also cause excessive bleeding and increased susceptibilty to infection.

The discoid type of lupus is a less serious disease that primarily affects the skin. The characteristic butterfly rash forms over the nose and the cheeks. There may also be lesions elsewhere, commonly on the scalp and ears and these lesions may recur or persist for years. The lesions are small, soft yellowish bumps and when they disappear, they often leave scars. While DLE is not necessarily dangerous to overall health, it is a chronic and disfiguring skin disease.

Both types of lupus follow a pattern of periodic flare-ups alternating with periods of remission. Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can result in a flare-up of DLE and may even induce the first attack. Fatigue, pregnancy, childbirth, infection, some drugs, stress, unidentified viral infections, and chemicals may also trigger a flare-up.

Treatment aims to reduce inflammation and alleviate syptoms; there is no cure. Nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed for joint pain, antimalarial drugs for the skin rash, and corticosteroid drugs for fever, pleurisy, and neurological symptoms. Sufferers whose symptoms are made worse by sunlight should avoid sun exposures and use sunscreens.

Nutritional Support Strategies

Our Self-management Strategies for Lupus will give you this nutrient association information as well as other helpful lifestyles changes for managing the disease. We also include a link to the Center for Disease Control Framework for Arthritis Prevention and Control to help you understand on a large scale what the government is doing.

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One Individual's Experience With SLE Lupus

I didn't notice a real difference until 3 weeks later when I had to wait for a new bottle and was out of product.  WOW!  I went from running back to dragging myself around again.I have SLE Lupus. I was bedridden for 3 years and for the next three after that I was just dragging myself around. That all changed in October of 1997 when very good friends had me take the rest of the bottle of Ultra Body Toddy that they had in their refrigerator. Within a week they were seeing a difference, but I only saw one: for the first time in the memory of life I was going to the bathroom daily- in the morning even! Every DARN day! I didn't notice a real difference until 3 weeks later when I had to wait for a new bottle and was out of product. WOW! I went from running back to dragging myself around again. There really is a huge difference; I just didn't notice it because it was so subtle...so natural!

Well it is now May of 1999 and I still have not suffered another bout with Lupus. What once was my daily and nightly companion is gone, and it happened right after I started taking Ultra Body Toddy. I have also found that the longer I take it the more I don't notice when I am out. For instance, I just ran out over a month, and I am still going strong, although I do notice a difference in my energy level and general well-being. But again, it is so subltle, to me it's proof that this product works naturally. It is also comforting to me as I would never want to have to take something to survive- meaning I can miss some "doses" without dropping dead of being tired. And the price is good compared to what is our there!

Important note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

Excerpt from testimony of "Barb (a completely satisfied customer!)"submitted to E-Files which is monthly publication of SupraLife.

Related Links

National Institute for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health

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