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FAQ's for Asthma |
Please send any information on asthma. Do allergy shots help? I've gotten
info on the Internet from parasite infection, almagam fillings, probotics,
enzyme therapy, B-12 injections which all link to asthma. I'm so confused!
February 2001
Our Answer
Asthma is almost always connected to allergies. If you know which allergies you have and can get shots for them, then allergy shots will help. I'd definately find out what you're allergic to first, then follow the nutritional protocol for asthma. I know a lot of people who have been helped nutritionally this way. Histamine forms as a result of the allergic response and mucus fills the lungs and bronchi. Here's the nutritional protocol for asthma:
Antioxidant Combination Including:
This sounds like a lot of stuff...I know, I have a daughter with asthma...but it sure beats taking the steriods and having permanent scar tissue on her lungs! Hope this is helpful for you.