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Racketeering in Medicine:   The Supression of Alternatives
by James P. Carter, M.D., Dr. P.H., 1993

Dr. James Carter is a medical doctor and also completed his doctoral work in nutrition at Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine. He is a professor at Tulane University.

Dr. Carter does not speak in generalities or put forth vague accusations. He presents names, events and facts, which are of interest to all concerned Americans ... we must become more aware of health-care practices and speak up for our right to the best available medical treatment. He also discusses organized medicine's true financial motives.

Medical students spend over ten years and tens of thousands of dollars learning to:
   • Diagnose Disease
   • Prescribe Drugs
   • Perform Surgery

Most medical schools don't even require a nutrition class for graduation!

Dr. Carter points out that "The AMA and other segments of organized medicine are second only to the National Rifle Association in PAC contributions to lawmakers on the national level. Medical lobbist's influence affects all medical schools, universities, government agencies, state medical licensing boards..."

In other words, medical doctors are taught only what organized medicine wants them to know! It takes ten years to become a medical doctor and costs tens of thousands of dollars. They learn to diagnose diseases, prescribe drugs, and perform surgery. This is the money machine of the AMA and it's no wonder that low cost alternatives to maintain your health are hard to find. It may also shock you to know that most medical schools don't require a nutrition class for graduation.

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