Unless you grow your own fruits and vegetables and eat them raw the same day you pick them, you're not getting what nature intended.

Although they look great and taste fresh you just don't know what's in there.
#1) Bad Eating Habits -- According to Professor Gladys Block at U.C. Berkeley, "Only 9% of the population
eats the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables daily."
#2) Cooking and Food Preparation -- Most people don't like their food raw, so they cook it. Did you know that 20 to 50% of vitamins are destroyed in the
cooking process?
Thiamine ... 20%-45% Niacin ... 20%-40%
Riboflavin ... 20%-40% Vitamin C ... 25%-50%
--from "Diet & Disease", E. Cheraskin M.D., D.M.D. et al, 1977
#3) Transport & Storage -- Dr. Michael Colgan tested oranges that had been picked the same day, and their vitamin C content was 180 mg. He then tested oranges from the
same grower which had been in storage at a local supermarket. They looked and tasted the same, but the vitamin C content had dropped to zero. How much vitamin C is in your orange?
--from "Your Personal Vitamin Profile", Dr. Michael Colgan, 1982