- AVOID SUGAR: The boost of energy you get from sugar is quickly followed by fatigue and depression.
- AVOID CAFFEINE: Like sugar, caffeine's energy boost is short-lived and once it ends the depressed person is worse off than before. Studies have shown that the more caffeine a depressed person takes, the worse their depression becomes.
Alcohol interferes with the workings of the brain, disrupts sleep, and leads to hypoglycemia, all of which increase the risk and the severity of depression.
EAT A LOW-FAT DIET: Improving your diet will improve your health and may help stabilize your mood. Fatty foods interfere with blood flow by blocking the arteries and blood vessels which results in poor circulation of blood to the brain and throughout the body. This causes sluggishness, slow thinking, and feelings of fatigue even after having rested.
GOOD DIET AND SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM: Nutritional deficiencies can cause depression, so watch what you eat and maintain a complete supplement program to assure that all nutrients are available each day.
EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES: Most fruits and vegetables are high in complex carbohydrates and bioflavonoids, which are essential for maintaining serotonin and other chemical balances. This balance is important in warding off depression. Complex carbohydrates also help the body relax, reducing body stress.
GET PLENTY OF PROTEINS IN YOUR DIET: Protein meals that are high in essential fatty acids such as salmon and white fish are good for increasing your alertness. Foods such as turkey and salmon, which contain both protein and tryptophan are good for lifting the spirits.
Lifestyle Changes
Medical Options and Precautions
PSYCHOTHERAPY - The patient talks about his or her depression with a therapist. This form of treatment is useful for those whose depression is caused primarily by personality and life experiences.
ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS - Common antidepressant drugs include tricyclics, MAOIs, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Common side effects of these drugs include dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, and difficulty urinating. These drugs are most effective if they are taken in a sufficient dosage over a long enough period of time.
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY - This treatment uses an electric shock to induce a seizure. This therapy is most commonly used to treat the severely depressed. One side effect of electroconvulsive therapy is temporary amnesia.