THINK ANTIOXIDANTS: Free radicals damage the brain, and this damage may be partially responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease. Antioxidants combat free radical damage, and studies with antioxidants, especially with the antioxidant Vitamin E, have shown memory improvement in Alzheimer's patients. So make sure that you're getting the antioxidants that your body needs.
EAT A HEALTHY DIET: Eat a well-balanced diet. Better nutritional status means better memory and mental function.
BE SURE TO GET ENOUGH FIBER: Include plenty of fiber in your diet. Oat and rice bran are good sources.
Lifestyle Changes
Medical Options and Precautions
- Cognex® (Tacrine): This drug is used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease with some benefits for the treatment of advanced Alzheimer's disease. Cognex® is only effective for 20-40% of those who take it and may of cause liver damage. Because of this risk, using Cognex® requires regular liver function tests which may be difficult to constantly administer to someone suffering from Alzheimer's.
- Aricept® (Donepezil): This drug prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain and, unlike Cognex®, does not cause liver enzyme abnormalities. It does however, come with an extensive list of side effects, some of them severe. For this list Click Here.
Exelon® (Rivastigmine): Like Aricept® this drug does not cause liver abnormalities but it does have many unpleasant side effects. One of these side effects if nausea and vomiting serious enough to cause weight loss. For a more extensive list of side effects Click Here.