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Dr. Whiting's ADD/ADHD Nutrition Program

Severe learning disabilities can lead to the inability to focus and concentrate and are becoming more common. The theory is that it is caused by a combination of genetic mutation from the parents and exposure to toxic chemicals in the children. Research done at The Institute of Nutritional Science has proven that radical treatments with powerful drugs are not only unnecessary for this condition but may cause more harm than good in the long run. Nutrient deficiency is most assuredly at the heart of these problems. There are also several adjunct factors, which if present, can contribute to the overall problem.

Full Spectrum Liquid Nutrition

  • 1 tsp per 20 pounds of bodyweight or for children age 10 and older 1 ounce per one hundred lbs. bodyweight
  • Essential Fatty Acids (2-3 capsules per day)
  • Calcium Citrate/Malate (Ages 2-5 200 mg per day)(Ages 6 and up 500-1000 mg per day)

Stress-Related Nutrients, Children under 45 pounds:

  • Niacin (as Niacinamide) (25 mg up to 100 mg max per day)
  • Vitamin C (50 mg up to bowel tolerance)

Children over 45 pounds

  • Niacin (as Niacinamide) (50-200 mg)
  • Vitamin C (to bowel tolerance)
  • Pyridoxine (50-400 mg)
  • Riboflavin (50-200 mg)
  • Calcium Pantothenate (100-800 mg)
  • Magnesium (50-200 mg)
  • Zinc (5-30 mg)

If excessive hyperactivity is a factor, test for heavy metal poisoning such as mercury, lead or cadmium and add:

  • Caffeine (100 mg per day>

If the child craves sweets, suspect carbohydrate intolerance, and add:

  • Chromium (100 mcg)
  • Vanadium (500 mcg)
  • Aspartic Acid (300 mg)
  • Bilberry Extract (20 mg)

If short-term memory is affected consider adding the following:

  • Phosphatidylserine (100-200 mg per day)
  • Phosphatidylcholine (100-200 mg per day)

Finally, many individuals displaying attention deficit symptoms suffer from multiple allergies. I suggest you take the RAST test (a blood test) which will determine all airborne and food allergies. If food allergies are detected, it will be necessary to either eliminate those foods or rotate them, eating them no more often than once every five days.

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