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Dr. Stephen Whiting Good Trace Minerals and Bad Toxic Minerals |
It is important at this point to offer an explanation of minerals to the reader. We will be referring to various minerals as being beneficial as well as being harmful. The difference lies in the type of mineral being ingested. Most of us are used to taking vitamin supplements and for the most part, they are all very similar in their internal action on the biochemistry of the body. This is not the case with minerals however. NOT ALL MINERALS ARE CREATED EQUAL! There are essentially three forms of minerals that can be taken internally. First, what is referred to as "metallic" minerals are more accurately called inorganic minerals. This form of the mineral comes from rocks, clays, sea and lake beds, and so forth. Due to the electrical properties of these minerals as well as their large size, they are not only extremely difficult to absorb but represent the most toxic forms of all minerals. The second form of mineral is the "chelated metallic mineral." These minerals are similar to metallic minerals as in the first example, but they have been bound chemically with an acid (the best form is with an amino acid). By acidifying the mineral, the absorption rate is increased considerably. Most chelated metallic minerals are between 30% and 60% absorbable. Generally, this is the ideal form of supplementing major minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. The third form of mineral supplement is the colloidal organic bio-electrical mineral. Due to the electrical charge of these minerals, which is altered via the chemistry of a living plant, they are very highly absorbable (between 85% and 98%). Further, because of their "living electrical charges," they cannot be stored in the body for any length of time. Therefore, they cannot reach toxic levels. Organic minerals need to be replaced on a daily basis just like water soluble vitamins. When we refer to toxic mineral levels in the body we are always talking about "metallic" or inorganic minerals. Elements such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are all extremely toxic in their inorganic state, since the body cannot metabolize or utilize them effectively. They are stored and can reach very high levels of concentration, affecting the mental and physical well-being of the individual. If a child (or adult for that matter) demonstrates potential learning disabilities, one of the first steps would be to have a hair mineral analyses done. This will quite accurately show any levels of toxic inorganic minerals that might be present in the body. If such levels exist, chelation, in one form or another, should be considered to remove these minerals from the body.