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Center for Disease Control
Framework for Injury Prevention and Control
Source:    www.cdc.gov
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The CDC site provides links to information on the following injury related topics:

  • Accident Causes and Prevention
  • Occupational/Agricultural
  • Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities
  • Bicycle-Related Traffic Fatalities
  • Brain Injury
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Drowning
  • Falls and Hip Injury
  • Firearm Injury
  • Fireworks-Related Injury
  • Head Injury
  • Impaired Driving
  • Injuries in Children
  • Injuries in Adolescents
  • Injuries in Women
  • Land Mines
  • Playground Injuries
  • Pedestrian Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

For more information on the above topics please visit the CDC's site.

Unintentional Injury Prevention

The Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention monitors trends in unintentional injuries in the United States, conducts research to better understand risk factors, and evaluates interventions to prevent these injuries. Research and prevention programs focus on two categories of unintentional injury:

  • motor vehicle-related injuries

  • home and recreation related injuries

Unintentional Injuries in the United States

Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States for people aged 1-34.1 Each year, more than 90,000 people die in the U.S. as a result of unintentional injuries. During an average year in the U.S., unintentional injuries account for nearly 31 million emergency room visits.

Motor Vehicle-Related Injuries

  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury death in the United States for people aged 1-34.

  • In 1997, nearly 42,000 people died on the nation’s roads and highways, and another 3.5 million suffered nonfatal injuries.

  • Motor vehicle crashes took the lives of 5,606 teenagers and 2,027 children in 1998. Older adults, as a group, are also at higher risk of dying from motor vehicle crashes.

  • In the United States, 5,220 pedestrians died from traffic-related injuries and another 69,000 pedestrians sustained non-fatal injuries in 1998.

  • In 1998, 38% of traffic fatalities were alcohol-related; either the driver or an affected person (e.g., a pedestrian or a bicyclist) had a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.01 gram per deciliter (g/dL).

Home and Recreation Injuries

  • Drowning is the second leading cause of injury death among children (aged 1-14).

  • In 1997, residential fires accounted for 3,360 deaths and claimed an estimated $4.6 billion in residential property damage.

  • In 1998, malfunction and careless use of fireworks resulted in 8,500 injuries.

  • Each year, almost 600,000 people are treated in emergency departments for bicycle-related injuries, and in 1998, 758 bicyclists died from this type of injury.

  • In 1998, more than 2.2 million people called poison control centers in the United States in response to a poisoning incident.

  • Every 40 seconds someone in the US seeks medical care because of a dog bite

  • In the United States, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths among people 65 years and older. One of every three Americans 65 years old or older falls each year.

  • Each year in the United States, 200,000 preschool and elementary school children visit emergency departments for injuries sustained on playground equipment (about 1 injury every 2½ minutes).

  • Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal unintentional injuries and emergency department visits for children between 0 and 14-years-old. Each year in the U.S., falls among this age-group account for an estimated 2.5 million emergency department visits.

  • Alcohol is involved in many injuries, including approximately 40% of deaths associated with residential fires and between 25%-50% of deaths from drowning.

Current Activities of the Division

  • Programs that target drinking and driving through such means as emergency-department-based interventions, alcohol treatment personnel and evaluation of mandatory substance abuse assessment and treatment programs

  • Programs that promote use of child safety seats through education and information campaigns, loaner programs, training programs for parents, and stricter enforcement of laws

  • Studies on risk factors for drowning among minorities

  • Studies on the risk factors associated with fatal and nonfatal residential fires including faulty heating systems, smoking, the absence of functioning smoke detectors, and the use of alcohol by occupants

  • Studies on the risk factors for falls such as poor vision and medication use, and protective factors such as exercise and home modifications.

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of a state bicycle helmet law

  • Programs to increase the use of bicycle helmets

  • Studies of risk factors associated with injuries from in-line skating

Cooperative Agreements with State Health Departments

NCIPC supports state health departments in their efforts to develop state injury intervention programs. These programs develop, implement, and evaluate multifaceted injury prevention and surveillance programs.

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