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Ordering Information

You can place a credit card order using one of the following methods:

NOTE: This area is currently being modified to handle credit card transactions over the internet. We want to be able to guarantee the safety and confidentiality of your personal and financial information through a data encryption process. This means that your information can not be read or stolen as it travels across the internet. We appreciate your patience and hope that you will call our toll free number for orders or if you have any questions.

Use your "Tab" key to move between the fields.

First Name: 

Last Name: 


Address:     (2nd line if needed)



Zip Code            

Day Time Phone:

Evening Phone:   
Be sure to include your Area Code
Email: Enter your email to recieve order confirmation via email

Please enter your order starting on the blank line.
For additional items submit a second order page
We accept Discover, Visa, Mastercard, American Express> Subtotal
6.25% Sales Tax (Utah Residents only)
10% Shipping and processing fee
Wholesale buyer registration fee
Grand Total

Wholesale buyer ID# Credit Card #
Select expiration date: Month Year
Please indicate credit card type:

If you have any special instructions or other comments please enter them here:
