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Personal Arthritis Experiences |
My doctor told me that the pain would only get better when the lower disk in my back disintegratedand that this could take a very long time! I visited my son, and he had me start taking Ultra Body Toddy. In four months, my back pain was gone. A MIRACLE I SAY! The Toddys give me more energy, and I will never stop taking them. ROSEMARIE ELAM[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] I took that long. For my arthritis I take Chicken Cartilage, a couple of Flex Flow, glucosamine from different places but after 6 months it is surprisingly all completely GONE. I felt like age 46 at age 40. I felt that my body was going to pieces. I kept going to the doctor and he gave me drugs and then different drugs. I was prescription drug addicted, and it was killing me. I got ride of all of them and I feel so good. I am sure that those drugs were damaging and killing me. I am doing so great now. I have tried to tell people that this works for me. They politely listen, but they don't do anything. I've got friends that have died from heart attacks. Milan, Ohio[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] I was given 2 years to live because I had advanced and progressing spinal stenosis, a degenerative osteoporetic condition resulting in painful progressive weakness of the arm and legs. I also had generalized arthritis. In 1996 I started taking Total Toddy, BioCalcium, Flex Flow, Oxy Toddy, and Mineral Toddy or Rainforest Toddy. In 1998, after having an MRI, I was advised that I was arthritis and osteoarthritis free! For the past few months, I have been taking Ultra Toddy with Cell Shield and Multi-EFA. Iselyne Hennessey[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] I am 67 years old and a retired Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Before I took SupraLife products, I had problems with arthritis. I could not bend my left thumb, and had tennis elbow, shoulder pain and a back ache. Physical therapy, acupuncture, and pain-killers only helped temporarily. Then in March of 1996 I started to take Total Toddy and Mineral Toddy. About a month later my aches and pains were gone. I could play tennis four or five times a week without any pain. I have been taking Ultra Body Toddy ever since then. My wife, a retired Registered Nurse, had very severe arthritis. She had to walk with a stick. She did not believe that what I was taking would help. But seeing is believing. When I became free of aches and pains, she started to take the products too. She almost gave up after the first three months, because nothing happened. I encouraged her to continue until she started to see some results. Now she can walk with two legs - not three!!! Many tennis players, friends and relatives of mine joined my downline. My tennis partner used to use SupraLife products years ago, but for some reason he stopped. He had aches and pains so badly that he had to stop playing tennis. I told him about how the Supralife products helped my tennis elbow, aches and pains and he started taking them again. He told me that I have saved his tennis life. We paly tennis every week. though he is over fifty, he runs like a young man on the court ... actually we both do!!! David Kuo[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] Over the past 18 years I've had 5 total hip replacemnts and arthritis in my joints. About a year ago I started taking Ultra Body Toddy and Mineral Toddy and now I feel great. During the pase year I've hardly taken any medication and I'm still going strong. I am 73 years old and have lots of energy. I feel that the Toddy's have really helped me. I tell a lot of people about them and recommend them. Barbara Hanks[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] A friend introduced us to Toddy Products. We were a bit skeptical; but, we decided we had everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying them. When I started the Toddies I suffered several ailments I attributed to age. I had a condition of nervous legs. It's hard to describe unless you have it. ![]() I suffered insomnia, arthritis in my thumbs, chronic fatigue, and anemia. After three weeks using Ultra Body Toddy and Mineral Toddy the nervous legs disappeared, and I was sleeping through the night for the first time in years. After eight weeks, strength started to return in my arthritic hands and the pain left. Recent blood tests show improvement in my anemia. I've got energy left at the end of the day to enjoy my children and grandchildren. The quality of life afforded me by the Toddy Products make them a bargain. K.L. Hyrum, UT[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] I have endured years of arthritis in at least three forms. By taking a daily dosage of Total Toddy and adding BioCalcium, I began to be relieved of some of the pain. I added Flex Flow and it had done wonders on my osteoarthritis. According to my doctor my recovery from brain surgery has also been remarkable. I attribute all of this to using Mineral Toddy and total Toddy every day. Harold K. Larson[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] SupraLife has literally changed my life. Having been self employed since shortly after high school and due to a horrendous fast food diet from being away from home much of the time - my body began to rebel at an early age. Partially also because of grueling physical labor, by the time I was 25 years old, I had developed osteoarthritis in my back. Every year the pain got worse. It finally got to the point where sleeping through the night was almost impossible, walking was difficult and I could barely stand for more than a few minutes. Over the years, my wife, Carole, had been trying to convince me to take better care of myself. We tried many different supplements in pill form, but nothing seemed to work. Then in April of 1995 we were introduced to Total Toddy. By using Total Toddy and another product from SupraLife called Flex Flow, my problems began to get better. It was nice to finally be able to give my body the nutritional support it needed to begin the healing process. The results were truly amazing!! The pain began to subside quickly. Within about four or five months I could walk without pain. People who knew me were as amazed as I was and wanted to try the product too. As excitement grew, we decided to commit ourselves to helping other people through SupraLife. SupraLife had the finest products on the market and are on the cutting edge of the nutritional industry. I urge anyone reading this to take control of their own health. Don't wait until you have some degenerative problem. Prevention is the key to good health. Curt Newby[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] For two years, I suffered 24-hour hip pain so bad at times that I couldn't sleep, walked using crutches, and couldn't push the car gas peddle. For years I've suffered sensitive teeth and receding gums. Within the last year, I suffered joint sensitivity that made each step hurt. The smallest accident caused bruises that hurt for days. ![]() In six months of Toddy products I've literally experienced age reversal. My aging and deterioration pains have all disappeared. I feel I was in a state of semi-starvation which could have caused death. I can only wonder at how many millions of people are just like me, and looking for the answer to their condition. W.T. Long Beach, CA[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] Because of my arthritis, I started taking prednisone 3 1/2 months before I was introduced to Toddy products. Prednisone helped a lot by covering up the arthritic pain, but I gained 15 lbs and one night my body stopped normal mobility while I was out shopping. I also had horrible problems and reactions with several herbal products; almost life threatening, so I was worried about taking the Toddy products. Since starting Ultra Toddy and Mineral Toddy I have stopped taking prednisone. I don't even have to take aspirin for arthritis pain; and I am able to go out walking without my walking stick. I just can't believe it, nor can my husband, he says I am in such a good mood now. That arthritis formula is not easy, but boy it is worth it! C.C. Clifton, ID[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] I'm ordering again, one Total Toddy and one Mineral Toddy. I received this combination as a birthday gift from my son, a University nutritionist. I believe it may be the best gift I ever received! It has helped my fingers and swelling of my ankles. If this second batch does more- Wonderful! ![]() Quoting what he said in my birthday letter, "I have listened to Wallach's tape and some of the things he says make sense nutritionally. I believe the trace elements contained in the two liquid supplements coupled with the gelatin and calcium in the orange juice makes sense nutritionally." He also said "there is nothing dangerous about the contents of these supplements, Mom. I think it's worth a try. Let me know if it works, you can be my scientific experiment since I don't have arthritis yet!" Anonymous in IL[Nutrient Associations, Lifestyle Changes, Medical Options and Precautions] |
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